Friday, June 13, 2008

The Bucket List

On my flight home from US this time I saw the movie ' The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. This is certainly one of my sentimental favorite which touches your emotions and has you hoping for finding a friendship in the end. Jack Nicholson is billionaire hospital CEO administrator Edward Cole who as a grumpy and aging four time divorced playboy finds he has terminal cancer. With Freeman a character that's much different a blue collar working class auto mechanic named Carter Chambers who's a loving family man with a wife and kids and on the side a beloved history buff and trivia enthusiast yet he discovers his fate of having terminal cancer. Upon meeting in the same hospital room they share at first it's a cold and tough bonding only later to grow into a friendship by journey and discovery. The concept is thought up by Chambers by making a list called "The Bucket List" of things to do before we die. Oddly opposites agree the journey starts. The adventures include the heart pumping sky diving, auto drag racing, and trips to exotic locations and foreign countries. The movie also has them visiting the Taj Mahal. Most important aside from the journey and discovery of friendship and caring by travel and adventure a special bond is formed. Each has learned before they meet the end they have made each a better person that cares. They both found what's important in life thru one another. "The Bucket List" isn't really a tear jerker, yet you are certainly touched by the way the characters emotions grow by friendship. You as the viewer feel your emotions have taken a good friendship journey. Finally this film is made even better by the performances of the two veteran legends Nicholson and Freeman.

I read somewhere a quote " If you leave each day as if it was your last, someday you will most certainly be right"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. I have seen fear of death very closely with both my parents getting diagnosed with cancer. I was not prepared to lose them , nobody is. No body wants to die nor see there near and dear ones die.Every people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to go there. And yet death is the destination we all share. I now understand that time a man has is limited.I don't want to waste it living some one elses life, living with the results of other peoples thinking. The first thing in my bucket list is to be happy.I was discussing with my good friend Rajesh today and he mentioned about an article Vir Sanghi writes in Sunday Brunch. He mentioned that Bailey Irish Cream are the best and no where it is replicated. The basic reason the farmers mentioned is that they keep there cows happy. Vir further narrates having the same recipe and ingredients but two different hands cooking them makes taste different because of the happiness the person cooking it puts in there. Now I realise why my morning tea is the best tea of the day that my grand mom makes for me.
The future always comes in bits and pieces. You never know what lies in store for you. But I believe if I maintain a positive attitude the doors of chance remain open and I will be happier person.


Sangeet said...

I completely agree on your sign off thought about positive attitude. I have often experienced that if I wear positive attitude sincerely, it acts as an armor/protector/kawach which saves me from getting deeply affected by other's negative approach and irrational criticism. Living in our kind of social scenario, it is not possible to safeguard ourselves completely from other's attitude/negativism but positivity at our end will control the damage and limit to only some dents at times.

Laxminarain Mall said...

I think I have been given A SECOND CHANCE to live after I am in process of recovering. Same way after Shobha's recovery I felt. That changed my approach to life to live it more lively. I intend to do things more correctly now though perfection is far way and might not be achieved.That let me understand that I was not right at points and I can improve myself.Then why not imagine the certain destination at all times to improvise life and surroundings.Is not it worth giving a try? This negative imagination is to develop positive attitude, I think.